Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Europe between the Wars: Fascism Essay

According to Stanley Payne, the term fascism rooted from the Latin word fasces which delineate â€Å"bundle† or â€Å"union†. Yet, these words cannot fully encapsulate nor even define what fascism; more specifically â€Å"Italian Fascism† is all about. It had been commonly misused as to refer to â€Å"violence, repression, dictatorship and brutality† removing any difference from the concept that were commonly associated with Communism. (p. 3) Seemingly, a clear cut definition of fascism is hard to come up with because it does not have any â€Å"seminal text† that should have defined its political, social and economic pursuit in contrast with other ideologies. Since this is the case, knowing the history of how the so-called â€Å"fascist† acts and the things they try to emphasize in the words they said, were substantial for anyone to have a more relevant understanding of the term or the word â€Å"fascism†. As an ideology, fascism considers the concerns of the individual along with those of the society as secondary or inferior to those of the whole state. Primarily, it views the state as an organic living thing that is mythical in a sense due to its belief in a â€Å"national rebirth† in the process of : nti-ideological’ and pragmatic ideology that proclaims itself antimaterialist, antiindividualist, antiliberal, antidemocratic, anti-Marxist, is populist and anticapitalist in tendency, expresses itself aesthetically more than theoretically by means of a new political style and by myths, rites, and symbols as a lay religion designed to acculturate, socialize, and integrate the faith of the masses with the goal of creating a ‘new man’ (Payne, p. 4) It was believed to be founded by Benito Mussolini as a political movement that espouses authoritarian dictatorship. It does not promote the concept of â€Å"class struggle† which makes it different from Marxism; it is a revolutionary ideology which seeks to promote the Italian race as part of aggressive nationalism programs which was associated or was said to have influenced German’s Nazism. (p. 225) It was believed to have started as an anti-communist group in the leadership of Mussolini, in addition with the anti-socialist sentiments that had flood Italy during the 1920’s as a result of the worker’s upheaval. Mussolini’s power doesn’t actually come from his own cunningness but was derived from the ineffectiveness of the government and the miscalculation made by the Socialist party. (p. 23-35) As the government of his time side with him in order to combat the socialism and the problems that it brought to the government and as the Socialist party remained confident that they would reign Italy, Mussolini have managed to gradually gain popularity, trust and power. (p. 27) Domestically, Mussolini’s actions were directed towards the restoration of Italy. He favored militarism and internationalism. He calls for the separation of the church and the state. There was also a movement which replaced the labor unions with co-operatives that works ideally with the government in able to look create plans that would benefit both the workers and the state. (p. 55-67) He legislate laws which were in favor of private ownership and capitalization. His foreign policies include the invasion of Ethiopia and the recognition of Roman Catholicism as the only religion in the state. (p. 55) This had resulted to the Anti-Semitic laws resulting to several other actions that were now being referred as racial discrimination. Seeing that his goals paralleled with those of the Nazi German’s, he had establish an alliance with them. His economic policies involve public works and the imposition of a state police under his party. (p. 25-317) Mussolini started the promotion of imperialism by directing a war with Ethiopia in view that this would redirect the attention and sympathy of the citizens. He had also aided fascist movement in Spain and accepted alliance with Germany. It is during these years that he started to decline in his prominence. (p. 225-317) Violence are viewed by Mussolini as liberating, deaths as a necessary sacrifice and wars as trials that must be overcome in reverence of the state. This is quite different from the Marxist Communism which according to Payne (p. 355) have â€Å"qualified violence as an indispensable means to an end—while gratuitously employing it en masse—and almost always preached peace as ideal and goal, while massively militarizing their systems in practice†. Italian Fascism might not have a core value system or an organized history, yet it had managed to influence other nations and it had been successful in eradicating or at least minimizing the Socialist movement that have dominated in the 1920’s. It promotes cultural liberalism by promoting capitalism under authoritarianism and nationalism. Although the ideal desire for hegemony and false judgment have led to the downfall of Mussolini, his actions, practices and ideology as whole have prompted several leaders into developing strands of political movements that resembles fascist vision and methods. The idea of focusing and putting the needs of the state above any personal needs indeed capture the hearts and minds of most citizens and has so far work even in the expense of many lives. (p. 355-358)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Manager Role-Henry Mintzberg’s Management Roles Essay

There are three type levels of managers which are top level manager, middle manager, and first-line manager. Managers carry out functions, roles and skills. Management functions are planning, organizing, leading and controlling as stated by Henri Fayol. However, Henry Mintzberg defined management roles into three parts which are interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. Besides, Robert L. Katz states that managers need three essential skills or competencies which are technical skills, human skills, and conceptual skills. The objective of this essay is to discuss the roles of manager in practice relate to Henry Mintzberg’s management roles. Based on the interview, it was found that the manager actually put into practice the skill introduced by Henry Mintzberg. Following discussion will be relates the manager interviewed with Mintzberg’s management roles. Description of the manager interviewed The manager interviewed (Ms. Ong) is thirty-five years old and has a marketing degree. She had been involved in managerial position for nine years. Now, she is the Corporate Affairs Manager in her current company, which is a position of middle manager. This company relates to communications technology. It is a multinational company which operate local and internationally. Instead, she has to plan and organize events to enhance relationship with business partners and customers. This is to ensure the company keeps on track with the suppliers and buyers from time to time on the updated products and services. Besides, she plan and organize the customer’s satisfaction survey to ensure customers satisfaction maintained at all times. Due to the survey, it is to improve and maintain the company’s reputation among customers. Her greatest achievement in the company is developed a new website for the group. She is maintaining the website to ensure the news is up to date. Definition and introduction to Mintzberg’s management roles The term management roles refers to specific categories of managerial behaviour (Robbins et al, 2006). From this sagacity, it shows the different roles have different behaviours are expected in different position. In Mintzberg’s ten management roles, he grouped the roles in three categories. First, those who concerned with interpersonal relationships (Interpersonal), follow up with those who concerned with the transfer information (Informational), and those who concerned with decision making (Decisional). Firstly, interpersonal roles required to perform duties that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature (Robbins et al, 2006). There are three interpersonal roles, which are figurehead role, leader role, and liaison role. These interpersonal roles are primarily concerned with provide information. Secondly, informational roles are managerial roles that involve receiving, collecting and disseminating information (Robbins et al, 2006). There are three informational roles, which are monitor role, disseminator role, and spokesperson role. It is primarily concerned with the information process with the information aspects of managerial works. Thirdly, Mintzberg identified decisional roles which revolve around making decisions (Robbins et al, 2006). This is the unique access of using information to the organizational decision making. There are four decisional roles, which are entrepreneur role, disturbance handler role, resource allocator role, and negotiator role. The top managers will make the decisions for the organization as a whole, while the supervisor makes decisions for his or her particular work unit. Henry Mintzberg’s management roles with manager interviewed As described above, Ms. Ong is a middle level manager. Middle managers included all levels of management between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line managers (Robbins et al, 2006). Ms. Ong as a middle level manager is responsible to attain the goals set by the top management. The first roles, which is the interpersonal roles is implemented much in the manager management roles. The manager interviewed mentioned that she uses very much interpersonal skills to ensure the ability to work with individuals and groups. This helps the manager to communicate with first-line and top management to process the information. The manager takes the responsibility to motivate members of the organization and ensure the organization keep on track with their goals to be attained. In the liaison role, the manager interacts with media on publicity for the organization to maintain the reputation. The leader role helps the manager to maintain relationship on developing network with the subordinates and media. This role gives the manager a unique position to collect information for her job. Secondly, the informational roles is the role the manager uses very much in managerial roles. In the monitor role, the manager receives and collects information. The information collected will processes and hand to the top management for decisions making. As an example, the manager will develop the Marketing Communication plans, promotional strategies and communication programmes to improve customers’ relationship. Yet, these plans need approval from the top management before it launch in the market. In the role of disseminator, the manager will produce monthly and quarterly newsletters and all other company’s publications into the organization. Besides, the manager plays the role of spokesperson by compile corporate information for release to press or public. Instead, the manager liaise with business partners on events or promotions pertaining to each products and services. As a corporate affairs manager, the manager plays her informational roles very well in the organization. Thirdly, as a middle level manager, the manager involves moderate little amount in decisions making. The manager accesses the information to the top management while the top level management will analyse and decide the best undertakings for the organization. Yet, as the corporate affairs manager, she has the responsible to review and approve selection of promotional media and agencies, then evaluate the cost effectiveness of the advertising programmes and campaigns to ensure maximum publicity for the organization. This shows how the manager captures the role of disturbance handler. It shows the manager will do the decisions making for her particular job unit not other than that. Overall, the manager interviewed has good social communication skills to communicate with the customers and business partners. These will ensure the organization’s reputation is well protected. The manager plays her roles well by applying Mintzberg’s management roles in her job. A manager should always apply the ten roles in Mintzberg’s management roles to handle their job. In addition, the manger mentioned that human skills stated in Katz theory is very much needed to deal with subordinates and business partners. By having the best performance of the subordinates, the manager will take action on giving some motivation rewards. Somehow, the manager thinks that rewards lead motivation in the overall performance in their group. This will ensure the overall group performance to be more efficient and effectively. Two stakeholders that impacts on the work of the manager interviewed Stakeholders are any constituencies in the organisation’s external environment that are affected by the organisation’s decisions and actions (Robbins et al, 2006). From the manager interviewed, there are many stakeholders such as employees, customers, business partners, media, and others. In this case, two important stakeholders chosen are employees and media. The manager states, employees are the important stakeholders in the organization. Employees are the subordinate that will contribute a lot in the organization. Each employee contribute one information or data, meanwhile the manager will collect and analyse the information or data. In the end of the day, it will process as an important document in the organization. To ensure the good relationship between employees, the manager will organize a party when they had done their project. This is to motivate the employees due to the organization goals are attained. Other than that, the manager will provide subordinates a cup of coffee or tea during the tea time break. Without a good relationship with the employees, the manager’s work will be futile. In the same time, the employees will willing to sacrifice and support the manager when the manager making decisions. Secondly, as a corporate affairs manager, the manager deals a lot with the media. Media plays an important role in helping the organization to achieve the goals. Meanwhile, it may create bias to the organization as well. In brief, media divided to two which are mass and electronic. In mass media, the manager deal with the editors to prevent bad press. Additionally, the manager will build good relationship with the editors in mass media to do advertising on new product releases or successful projects in the mass media. In electronic media, the manager will post all press articles on organization in the company website. This is to keep the company’s stakeholders update information. In conclusion, keeping a good relationship with stakeholders, the manager can achieve the organizational goals effectively and efficiently. The stakeholders will fully co-operate with the manager in the decisions making. They will serve or obey the order in advance. Conclusion The main objective of this essay is to understand the work of a manager in practice relates to Mintzberg’s management roles. Based on the interview of a corporate affairs manager in a multinational organization, it was found that Mintzberg’s ten management roles are being applied in the organization. In brief, Mintzberg’s management roles is categorized in three groups which are interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. Besides Mintzberg’s management roles, in real life manager should apply other skills and theories to be more effective and efficient. References List McShane, V. G. (2003), Organizational behaviour, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York. Robbins,S. P. , Bergman,R. , Stagg,I. & Coulter, M. (2006), 4th edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A research on an asset Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A research on an asset - Case Study Example Since 1961, however, banks have issued negotiable CDs. They now are traded actively in a secondary money market. Corporations can raise funds by issuing stock or selling bonds. Business equities are shares of ownership, such as stock that corporations issue. Owners of equities are residual claimants on the income and the net worth of a corporation. The equity holders of a company are paid after all the debts of a company is paid. The significant characteristic of equities is the variation of returns with the profitability of the company. An investor can become the owner of a corporation by purchasing the equity. The edge of bonds on equity is that if the company goes bankrupt the bond holder will be paid before shareholder on the other hand the profitability of the company doesnt benefit much to the bond holder as a bond holder will only get principal plus interest. Hence the ownership of bonds involves low risk as compare to the ownership of stocks, but this comes at the cost of a lower return. Corporate bonds: Corporations can raise funds by issuing corporate bonds. A Corporate Bond is a long term instrument yielding interest twice each year until the date of maturity. Convertible bonds can be converted into equity shares before the maturity. The corporations offer the convertibility feature with the bonds in order to attract investors. Another feature which increases the attractiveness of bonds is their degree of liquidity which they provide the investors as compare to the equities. The higher liquidity of bonds is due to their trading in the secondary markets. In order to encourage the secondary market trading the Corporations must maintain higher credit ratings. Bonds reduce the short term volatility of the stock market. The perception that the stocks yield higher returns as compare to bonds is true for the period of 10 years or more. Bonds are suitable for the investors who cannot bear the volatile

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In Praise of Margins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

In Praise of Margins - Essay Example The major weaknesses of this study are concentrated on the different examples of margins. As Ian Frazier notes, margins include both activities and places. Therefore, margins could include visiting a park, dancing studio, and visiting a friend’s place; and activities such as playing football or any sport, listening to music, watching movies, reading, dancing, and hiking, among others. Therefore, whether it is activities or places, margins are of value, as they provide individuals with an opportunity to be themselves and care less about the things in the outside world. It is therefore, important that an individual has margins, including activities and places, owing to the many positive outcomes that margins hold for an individual. A major example of margins in Frazier’s essay is the woods. As a child, Frazier and his friends spent most of their time in the woods. At this place, they together, had fun with each other and felt more comfortable. In the woods, Frazier and hi s friends would escape from the real world. They engaged in activities such as making forts and shooting frogs with slingshots. They also engaged in the activities of crushing ice and climbing trees. Here, they created their own little world where they did as they wished without fear of judgment. Frazier believes that the things that he and his friends did in the woods were marginal. However, these were important, as they served a purpose in his future. As an adult Frazier still visits the woods.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

General Concepts and Variables Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

General Concepts and Variables Assignment - Essay Example . Read the examples of studies that have then in the email addresses or search in a newspaper or magazine a report of a study and answer the following questions. Internet usability Purchase Online Travel a. Research question Is there gender differences in web usability criteria? b. Research Questions Do the majority (82%) prefer specialized web sites compared to traditional Agencies when informing and purchasing travel notes in Spanish network? c. Population and sample Population is Internet users (Men and women using the internet) d. Say if it is an example of descriptive and inferential statistics. Purchase online travel is an example of inferential statistics The internet usability case is an example of inferential statistics 3. Select which of the following options can be defined as variable: a. The number of women enrolled in Sec 4 of Mat210 Not a variable b. The grade point average of the students of the USC Variable

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is there a need for Public Health Nutritionists to be accredited as a Essay

Is there a need for Public Health Nutritionists to be accredited as a regulated and professional body in the UK Discuss - Essay Example On the other hand, a growing number of information is now accessible through internet and various media types. There is then a conflict on who to believe when it comes to nutrition. In this case, although voluntary registration appropriately assesses capabilities of public health nutritionists, there is still a need for mandatory regulation and accreditation as a professional body in United Kingdom that will address the complex nutritional demands of its citizens. British culture in relation to food made some gradual alterations. As surmised by Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (2008), â€Å"there is a healthier pattern of intake†¦ but there is still need for immediate actions to ensure further improvements in patterns of food consumption and intake of several nutrients.† In this area, although progress has taken place, guidance to guarantee its continued rise is still required. The role of organizations is to keep up with the current trend. Presently, the Nutrition Society is the leading organization in the â€Å"advancement of scientific study of nutrition and its application to the maintenance of human and animal health† (Buttriss & Daniels, 2003). This ensures proper screening of individuals and legal organizations in nutrition and related fields. The said organization offers a voluntary approach in registration processes, wherein â€Å"assessment mechanisms focuses on attainment of minimum standard of compete ncy in knowledge, skills, and attitudes on the required tasks† (Davies, Margetts & Hughes, n.d.). The minimal techniques employed seemed to contradict the graveness of the situation involving the present overall nutritional status of British people. Specifically, Nutrition Society initially was in charge during the creation of voluntary registration for public health nutrition (PHN). In an article entitled Overview of the Public Health Nutrition Landscape (Anon., n.d.), it defined public health nutrition as

Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Strategy - Essay Example The name of the product is ‘Hair Food’. During the initial stages of the product, we will primarily focus on understanding the customer value and focus more on maintaining a stronger relationship with the final consumers. However on the other hand, the focus will be primarily laid on transforming the customer value in to the sales , profits and revenues and the equity. (Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. , 2001). Before introducing the product in the market, it is very important that the three important steps should be followed which are, segmentation, targeting and positioning. Since the product can not be reached to the masses , hence there is a need to divide the total segment in to the small segments so that the marketing strategies can be better concentrated on. Segmentation is defined as dividing the total market in to small sector and segments with the consumers having similar demands and needs. Different books and scholars talk about different segmentation methods, but the most common ones are geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation and the behavioral segmentation as well. In the case of Hair food , the segmentation will be done on the basis of gender, age, income group, social class and status and the usage rate. The Hairfood is a product which will primarily be focused on the females , who fall in the age bracket of 16-40 years of age , who belong to the middle and the high income group brackets . These females will be the ones who are facing severe hair damage and hair fall and they want to revitalize the natural look , shine and the luster of the hair. Since the primary focus is on the natural ingredients of the product, there it priced comparatively higher as to the other hairfall products which are available in the market. Hence only the consumers who fall in the middle and high income bracket will be able to fall under the category. Target markets is the process through which the marketers make evaluati ons made on how attractive each market and then later choose the segments which can potentially generate the most profits. (Masterson, R., & Pickton, D. ,2010). Once the target market has been defined, the positioning has to defined. Positioning is defined as making a clear and a different place in the market with a competitive edge and the differentiation. A company’s customer value proposition is one of the most important aspects which defines how the targeted customers will be served, with the help of the differentiation and proper market positioning. A value proposition is the number of advantages that the marketer aims to provide to the final consumers, so that the product differentiation can be exhibited . (Masterson, R., & Pickton, D. ,2010). Ayucure and Artesia Harifall Solutions and currently offering the hairfall products range which are made by extracting the natural herbs and help in rejuvenating the original natural look of the hair by minimizing the damage. Howe ver these two products have been available in the market for a very long time and the competitive edge is that over the past two years , they have gained the customer loyalty and the high ranking it has received over time shows that the shampoo gives amazing hair results. Creating the differentiation for the product is a very necessary aspect and this competitive edge helps the product to stand out from the other competitors which are availa

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Investment Basics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investment Basics - Research Paper Example Time frame; the investor will determine the time horizon for his or her investment. Risk capital; the investor will determine the amount of money he or she is willing to invest. Investment experience; the investor will describe his or her individual investment experience. The investor may choose one of the following statements; first, the client has never invested any cash in any financial instrument. Secondly, the client is comparatively a fresh investor, implying that he or she has invested for merely few years. The investor may also consider that the client has invested some of his or her cash through various pension and retirement plans for some time, and he or she prepared to establish extra investment plans. The client has invested for some time, and he or she has the capability to make sensible investment resolutions (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The client has invested cash for several years and has explicit knowledge of how capital markets operate. The client understands his or her investment goals; this involves determining the principal goal of the investment capital. The objective may be for preservation of capital, for current income for growth and profits, for long term growth, or antagonistic growth. Finally, the client will determine the actual investment he or she is considering. The actual investment will involve financial asset allocation among stocks, bonds and cash (Reilly & Brown, 2011). Bonds investors receive a fixed interest rate; therefore, bonds may provide a regular source of income. Bonds investors may fall under conservative, conservative to moderate and moderate risk categories depending on investors risk tolerance. Most investors invest in bonds to earn a fixed income; therefore, their risk category is conservative to moderate. Stocks may assist an investor to build long term growth of his or her investments. Stocks are deemed to be more risky investment than cash and bonds. Stocks may fall under moderate to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Team Collaboration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Collaboration - Research Paper Example The second type is the leadership Team which has the strategic role in directing the company’s business decision. Most companies have such a team. Another type of team is the cross-functional teams. This is sometimes called the project team. It incorporates workers across different functions of the organization; mainly people with diverse areas of knowledge. They come together to share their knowledge toward a common goal. A familiar situation that needs a cross-functional team is the initiate of a new product (Robert and Barb, 2003). Sometimes we have a self-managed team. This type is also called a self-directed team; in this team, no position is granted authority. In a bid to working towards a regular goal, the team forms their action items, education, roles, and rewards system. This is usually founded on a very realistic what works, what doesn’t criteria. Some organizations have a quality circle team. This team works in a structured way to allow innovation at the same time as making management conscious of daily issues. Persons working in this team seek to locate, examine, and address issues in the workflow of their company. This is aimed at improving performance (Amy, 2004). The last type of team is the task force. This is a group of specialists that are called together with an aim of solving a predestined, distinct, and an assignment that comes once. If the duty recurs, sometimes it may also be called a commission (Amy, 2004). Developing a group into a team can be done in a four step process. The first stage is called the forming stage. In this stage, there is high dependence on leader for direction and course. There is minimal agreement on team aspirations other than those established by the leader. Individual responsibilities and roles are uncertain. The leader is obliged to answer many questions concerning the teams purpose, mission and external relationships (Amy, 2004). The next stage

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Life safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Life safety - Essay Example The rapid spread of fire was caused by the presence of computers and other equipments in the open spaces. There were plastic cabinets that increased the intensity of fire while the building staff took a long time to realize the cause of fire alarms, and this resulted in delayed reporting to the fire department. The building was constructed in accordance with the 1960 edition of the Los Angeles City Building Code which required automatic sprinkler system in basement areas and standpipes for high-rise buildings. Incidentally, the owners had already installed an automatic sprinkler system which was part of an extra precaution against fire although this was not required during that time by fire codes. However, since work was still in progress the system was not activated. For this reason, at the time of the fire the valves controlling the sprinklers were closed. The fire spread in the entire 12th floor including open areas and office enclosures, and then spread to the upper floors up to the 16th floor mainly through broken windows. The fire reached such a state of magnitude because of the building staff’s delayed notification to the fire department. Therefore, one recommendation was that fire needs to be detected at its incipient stage. Second, the presence of all precautions like automatic sprinklers, alarm system and emergency procedures can be effective only if there are trained personnel (First Interstate Bank Building Fire, 1988). This 2009 incident occurred on February 9 in Bejing. The fire broke out in a modern architectural 34-story building which was located in the CCTV complex. The fire was caused by high-explosive pyrotechnic devices which were set off by surrounding residents including the chief of construction hired by CCTV as part of their New Year program. According to Chinese officials, there were leftover firecrackers in the southern roof of the burning building. The fire spread over an area of 100,000

Monday, July 22, 2019

Our Teacher, Our Hero Essay Example for Free

Our Teacher, Our Hero Essay â€Å"You’ve better changed being naughty playful†¦or else you’ll hurt not just me Carl! â€Å"Now, start cleaning our room†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"You do you work properly then you may go now, okay? That’s a very normal incident in a Freshmen’s atmosphere. We can’t deny the reality that 1st year level is under adjustment period to the new world they have just taken in†¦Thank you so much for all the very patient kind teachers†¦They perform their being 2nd parent to us†¦I love my Teachers as they love us,They take their livesto their duties roles†¦ They are very noble†¦ One of our favourite Teacher that inspires us is Miss Kendall†¦Her life story is so sad. Her father left her when her mother got sick. She is still single at the age of 32. She must work hard for her sick mother. She also helped her brothers sister in their schooling. She told us that she has many dreams for her family for her career as a teacher that’s why she is not yet ready to get married to her boyfriend. She told us that she’s not yet ready to balance teaching having family of her own. â€Å"Uuuuuyyy, uuuuyyyyyy†¦Ma’am ha†¦We saw your bf this morning Ma’am Kendall†¦Uuuyyyy†¦You’re a good match Ma’am†¦Your pretty hi’s handsome†¦he-he-he†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Sssshhh, sssshhh†¦stop teasing me girls†¦We’re still under knowing each other†¦he-he-he† â€Å"But Ma’am really you’re a good match†¦please don’t forget to invite us Ma’am on your wedding, okay?†¦He-he-he! Pretty sure, we will all be there Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Sssshhhaaa, sssshhhaaa†¦That’s enough now. Let’s have your practice for your LitMus Pieces now†¦Please call the other candicates Chris†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Okay Ma’am, I’ll call them outside†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Susan, Alfred†¦pls. get inside now†¦we’re getting ready for our practice now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Now, let’s start with Alfred for his vocal sol o†¦Ready now Alfred†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Alfred singing his contest song†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..) (Ma’am Kendall applause Alfred for his performance†¦) â€Å"Alfred you’re getting better now†¦but you still need to practice more, Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Thank you so much Ma’am for your great support†¦I promise to do it better†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It’s my great pleasure supporting you in times like this†¦be the best you can,okay?†¦Next, let’s have Susan for her Filipino Declamation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Basilio? Crispin? Mgaanakko? Nasaanna kayo?Nandito n siNanay†¦.Mgaanakko? Nasaan kayo?Basilio? Crispin?Basiliooooooooooo†¦Crispiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Bravo, bravo, Susan†¦You’re getting better everyday†¦It’s another great performance†¦I know, you can be everybody’s beat†¦ha-ha-ha!† â€Å"Thank you so much Ma’am†¦I’m getting better every day because of your great help Ma’am Kendall†¦I’m good because you’re also good Ma’am†¦ â€Å"I agree with you Susan†¦You, Ma’am Kendall all teachers are our happiness inspiration in school†¦ â€Å"Thank you also Susan for your kind words†¦It adds joy to my heart as you say it†¦You’re all the reason why I am here†¦he-he-he†¦Chris it’s your turn now†¦Ready?† â€Å"Yes Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ballooooooot, Ballooooooooot†¦For sale†¦for sale Nutritious Ballooooot†¦For sale delicious Ballooooot†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Hey, girl! Come here!I’ll your ballot! (Drunk man)†¦How much is ten pieces?†Ã¢ € ¦ †Thirteen each Sir130 all in all Sir†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†What?!?your over-pricing young girl†¦That’s so expensive†¦here’s what is good to your Ballot†¦Uuummm†¦Uuummm†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Oh no!!! No!!!Pls stop it!huhuhu†¦pls stop it Sir†¦pls†¦What have you than to my Ballot†¦huhuhu†¦what have you done? You have no pity, drunkard†¦huhuhu†¦You’ll be paying for this†¦huhuhu†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Wooowww!!! Amazing performance Chris†¦you did a great job! Your really getting better in your piece Chris†¦Congratulations! I am so happy that you really are practicing so well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Thank you so much Ma’am†¦we are so happy doing this for all of us Ma’am†¦We will try to win in our contest.† In a surprise, Rommel rushed hurriedly inside our classroom and telling something bad news to Ma’am and his catching his breath†¦Rommel is Ma’am Kendall’s nephew†¦ â€Å"Tita Ram†¦please, pls†¦be in a hurry†¦Lola was brought to the hospital†¦she was again attacked of her Asthma†¦she seemed not to look good this time Tita†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"What?My goodness†¦oh my, oh my Good Lord, pls help my mother†¦ Please†¦Lord God please help her again this time†¦Okay†¦let’s go†¦Excuse me class†¦I should attend my mother in the hospital†¦Take good care of yourself†¦Be home early Okay?Don’t go anywhere†¦Go home early okay?† â€Å"Okay, Ma’am†¦don’t worry about us Ma’am†¦please take care also Ma’am†¦Please be calm relax Ma’am†¦we will help pray to God, that your mother will get better Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬  We were speechless while following Ma’am Kendall on her way to the hospital†¦we just stared to each other without any sound from ourselves†¦I just realized we are all shocked†¦after a while, I asked my classmates to follow me in my prayers for Ma’am Kendall’s mother†¦We prayed not just for that moment but every moment we pray to God, we include our teachers in our prayers†¦Let us all pray for our Heroes, our Teachers†¦

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impacts of low cost airlines in Singapore

Impacts of low cost airlines in Singapore What impacts have the low cost airlines had on the tourism product in Singapore? Consider this from a consumer perspective and a supplier perspective; i.e. hoteliers. Introduction Tourism related activities have change and grown in different ways of classifying the industry have emerged. It has also evolved as attempts have been made to place a title on a difficult to define group of naturally related service activities and participants. The activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to their needs is temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal place of work and residences. History of Low cost carrier The first airline that created the concept of a low cost airline is Southwest Airline, an American domestic carrier which launched its flight on 18 June 1971. The airline was created to provide consumers with cheap airfares. The creation of low cost carriers proved to be attractive to consumers, and also a threat to premium airlines as they were able to offer cheaper airfares as compared to the full cost airlines. With its unique branding of air stewardesses in hot pants and white boots, Southwest’s concept was copied around the world. More people began to see the success in the concept of low cost carriers, and the market for low cost carriers began to expend. The industry for low cost carriers has grown significantly over the past decade. According to an Airline Business low-cost airline survey done in 2011, low cost carriers â€Å"carried nearly 640 million passengers in 2010†. Low cost carrier in Singapore In Singapore, there are three low cost carriers based here, and a total of 6 low cost carriers that have operations in the country. The pioneer low cost airline in Singapore is Tigerair, previously known as Tiger Airways. The budget carrier was established in 2004, and has since then grown to be the biggest low cost carrier, and second biggest airline in Singapore as of 29 April 2010. Jetstar Asia, which was established soon after Tigerair in 2004, is also one of the airlines based in Singapore. As these low cost carriers have managed to create a new market, traditional airlines are more inclined to create a low cost carrier as subsidiary so as to maintain or even increase its market share. As a result, airlines such as Scoot were created. Scoot is a low cost carrier established by Singapore Airlines, to offer no-frills, low-fare flights for medium and long-haul routes. In general, low cost carriers have a positive effect on the travel industry. While it may have a negative impact on premium airlines, low cost carriers have managed to increase the profit of the tourism industry. This is because passengers who have been unwilling or unable to afford the traditional full-frill airfares now have the option to fly at a lower airfare. In Singapore, the growth of the low cost airline industry has increased so much over the years, there was a budget terminal built specially for low cost carriers. However, as there is still much potential for low cost carriers to expand, the Singapore government has decided to tear down the budget terminal and build a new Terminal 4, in order to provide passengers with the best experience. This is a prominent evidence that proves that low cost carriers have become an influential segment here in Singapore. Jetstar Asia had scheduled 37 flights to Singapore on February 12, 2014, on an average 1.5 hours a flight landing in Singapore which is very frequent. This is one of the reason why Singapore Changi International Airport ranked 15th in the world busiest airport 2013 with the passengers of 51,181,804 in 2012. Consumer perspective When the budget airline concept first launched, many consumers deem it’s unsafe, and even flying without maintenances. A few years down the road, more and more consumers are choosing low cost carrier as their first choice when flying overseas. The word budget implies something made cheaply, without much concern for quality, but the answer to this is no. Budget airlines are no less safe than any other airline, cutting corners on safety could completely ruin their business. Some of their cost-cutting measures even increase safety. The biggest differences between low cost carrier and full-fledged carrier are that low cost carrier plane is smaller than full-fledged carrier plane, and on-board catering has to be paid extra when flying with budget airlines, extra costs mean the quality of the food is often good or even better than the regular airlines. Consumers are recommended to look at hidden extra charges and what is the special offers which regular airlines have before they book the flights. Consumers who are flying short distance may prefer to fly with budget airline as they may find that the additional services of a traditional airline are redundant. Not all passengers taking low cost carriers are budget traveler, because some are taking short route flight, and they just need a seat to fly to certain country. 40% of the travelers are visiting friends or relatives, 37% for vacation or leisure, 20% for business and 3% of other purpose. Definition of tourism product It is the inclusion of a whole tourism package to meet the clients’ expectations. These would include accommodation, tourism, meals, entertainment, and transport among others. It can be divided into a local product to encourage the citizens to participate or international products for revenue collection. 5 Advantages of tour package Convenience – Traveler does not need to spend a lot of time deciding what to do and which supplier to use. The decision-making process will be shortened. One-stop shopping – One payment covers the cost and paperwork of two or more services which made buying process easier. The traveler is allowed to know how much the trip will cost because all inclusive tour can be seen as virtually cash free Cost savings – Tour packages will be more expensive if the tourist were to buy all the elements separately, tour group are able to able to get special discount and this cost saving will be passed on the tourists because they are able to take advantage of volume discount straight from the suppliers. Special treatment – Tour member will receive privileged treatment as the volume of business tour operator represent to service supplier. Take for example that tour group members seldom stand in the long queue or under the hot sun, transport are park near from the entrances to attractions and when they arrived, the hotelier will pre-check-in the tour groups, and they just simply pass them the hotel key. Worry free – The tour personnel will handle problems and details allowing the tourists to concentrate on the experiences and the new world around them when traveling on a hosted or escorted tour. Economic impacts When travelers from another country purchase goods and services within Singapore, tourism acts as an export industry by earning revenues from external sources. Travelers’ expenditures also increase the general level of economic activity in the host community in numerous ways, direct and indirectly, the two most visible being creating new job opportunities and income. Taxes collected by government will also increase with the higher level of economic activity. There are several factors that can influence the level of tourism activities

Management of pre menstrual syndrome

Management of pre menstrual syndrome This chapter presents a brief account of present study conclusion which is drawn from the findings. The implication is highlighted in various areas- nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research. And also it clarifies the limitations, suggestions and gives recommendation for future study. SUMMARY OF THE STUDY The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Planned Nursing Intervention on management of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) in terms of intensity of symptoms, knowledge and attitude among college girls in a selected educational institution, Salem. Rosenstochs Health Belief Model was selected as conceptual frame work for this study. An evaluative approach, pre experimental one group pre test, post-test was used for the study. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples and the samples size was 30. Tools were made from book references, net references and previous experiences of the researcher. Content validity obtained from 5 experts (3 nursing and 2 medical personnel) Reliability of the tool was estimated by split half method for knowledge questionnaire r= 0.82, Likerts scale by split half method r= 0.82, it shows that the tool was reliable. After which a pilot study was conducted among 3 samples. Following that actual data collection was done with the same tool. On day 1, the researcher screened 100 college girls with screening tool to know no. of them experiencing PMS. It revealed that out of 100, 64 of them had PMS, among them 30 of them were recruited as samples as majority of them had 5 or more than 5 symptoms (3 physical and 1emotional and 1 behavioural symptom). Following that from the recruited samples pre-test was done. Demographic data was collected by self report method and intensity of symptoms was assessed using (0-10) Numerical Rating Scale, knowledge was assessed with structure knowledge questionnaire and attitude of PMS was assessed using the 5 points Likerts scale. On the same day researcher taught planned nursing intervention on management of PMS for about 20-30 minutes. A pamphlet was given emphasizing on specific measures of PMS management. Along with that a pocket dairy was given to each individual t o specify the symptoms and their intensity during PMS for consecutive 3 cycles. On 15th day post-test was carried out using the same tools A concise data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY I. Demographic Variables: The analysis shows that 73.33% were in the age group of 21-25 years. Based on family monthly income 53.3%were under the category of 2001 5000 rupees. Those who attained menarche at the age group of 13-14 were 73.34% In regards to food habits 76.67% were non vegetarian. Regarding weight in kg about 73.34% were in the group of 41-60 kilogram Among samples 56.67% of them reported that their sisters had family h/o PMS. 100% says that they dont take own medications During PMS 90%says that they dont take any home remedies II. Findings related to Effective Planned Nursing Intervention: a) Intensity of symptoms: Majority of symptoms experienced by samples were (Abdominal pain, pimples, tiredness, anger, inadequate sleep, anxiety, irritability, low back pain)Least experienced symptoms were (Diff in concentrating, joint pain, calf muscle pain, breast tenderness, headache, nausea, palpitation, mood swing, withdrawal from environment, food craving, swelling of extremities, fever). Description of each symptom which was experienced by more than 10 samples were discussed as follows In pre-test abdominal pain was present for 25 samples among that 36.00% had mild pain, 28.00% had moderate pain, 28.00% had severe pain and 8.00% had intolerable pain. In I cycle abdominal pain was present for 23 samples among them 44.44% had mild pain, 44.44% had moderate pain, and 11.12% had severe pain. In II cycle 22 samples had abdominal pain, among them 45.45% had mild pain, 40.90% had moderate pain 13.64% had severe pain. In III cycle 76.19% had mild pain, 14.29% had moderate pain and 9.52% had severe pain. In pre-test pimples were present for 21 samples among them 50.00% had mild, 35.00% had moderate and 15.00% had severe. In I cycle Pimples were present for 21 samples among them 61.90% had mild, 33.34% had moderate and 4.76% had severe. In II cycle 6.50% had mild, 25.00% had moderate, 5.00% had severe and 5.00% had Intolerable. In III cycle 19 samples had pimples among them 78.95% had mild, 15.78% had moderate and 5.27% had severe. In pre-test tiredness were present for 20 samples among them 40.00% had mild, 60.00% had moderate. In I cycle tiredness were present for 18 samples among them 50.00% had mild, 50.00% had moderate. In II cycle 18 samples had tiredness in that 66.66% had mild, 33.34% had moderate. In III cycle 15 samples had tiredness in that 73.34% had mild, 26.66% had moderate. In pre-test anger was present for 15 samples among them 53.33% had mild, 20.00% had moderate and 26.67% had severe anger. In I cycle anger was present for 13 samples among them 69.24% had mild, 23.07% had moderate and 7.69 had severe. In II cycle 11 samples had anger in that 63.34% had mild, 36.36% had moderate. In III cycle 8 samples had anger in that 50.00% had mild, 50.00% had moderate. In pre-test inadequate sleep was present for 13 samples among them 53.85% had mild, 30.77% had moderate and 15.38% had severe. In I cycle inadequate sleep was present for 11 samples 54.55% had mild, 45.55% had moderate. In II cycle 11 samples had inadequate sleep, among them 54.55% had mild, 45.45% had moderate. In III cycle 100.00% had mild. In pre-test anxiety was present for 12 samples among them 41.67% had mild, 41.67% had moderate and 16.66% had severe. In I cycle anxiety were present for 11 samples among them 36.66% had mild, 63.64% had moderate. In II cycle 36.66% had mild, 63.64% had moderate. In III cycle 9 samples had anxiety among them 22.22% had mild, 55.56% had moderate and 22.22% had severe. In pre-test irritability was present for 11 samples among them 45.45% had mild, 36.37% had moderate and 18.18% had severe. In I cycle irritability was present for 12 samples among them 58.33% had mild, 33.33% had moderate and 8.34% had severe. In II cycle 11 samples had irritability in that 54.55% had mild, 45.45% had moderate. In III cycle 9 samples had irritability in that 88.88% had mild, 11.12% had moderate. In pre-test low back pain was present for 10 samples among them40.00% had mild pain, 10.00% had moderate pain, 30.00% had severe pain and 20.00% had intolerable pain. In I cycle low back pain was present for 10 samples 40.00% had mild pain, 40.00% had moderate pain, and 20.00% had severe pain. In II cycle 10 samples had Low back pain, among them 50.00% had mild pain, 10.00% had Low back pain 40.00% had severe pain. In III cycle 44.44% had mild pain, 11.12% had moderate pain and 44.44% had severe pain. There were significant differences between the pre-test and the post-test level of intensity. The following symptoms have significant difference from pre-test to I cycle; pre-test to III cycle. Hence the alternate hypothesis H1 was accepted. b) Knowledge on management of PMS In pre-test Knowledge scores was 53.34% had inadequate knowledge, 43.33% had moderate knowledge and 3.33% had adequate knowledge. In post-test Knowledge scores was 13.33% had moderate knowledge and 86.67% had adequate knowledge. The overall mean pre-test knowledge was (50.50% with SD 2.49) and ranged 6-15. The overall mean post-test knowledge was (79.65% with SD 1.93) ranged 12-19. The paired t value was significantly higher than the (9.966> t29=2.045)at p t29=2.045)at p

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Economic Geography of Industry Location in India :: India Economics Industries Essays

Economic Geography of Industry Location in India ____________________________________ Paper prepared for the UNU/WIDER Project Conference on Spatial Inequality in Asia 3 Economic Geography of Industry Location in India Where do different industries locate? What factors influence the spatial distribution of economic activity within countries? Finding answers to these questions is important for understanding the development potential of sub national regions. This is particularly important for developing countries as they have relatively lower levels of overall investment and economic activity is concentrated in one or a few growth centers. Thus, regions that do not attract dynamic industries are not only characterized by low productivity, but also by lower relative incomes and standards of living. These questions on industry location and their implications are not new. Examining the locational aspects of economic activity has long been of interest to geographers, planners, and regional scientists (Weber, 1909; Là ¶sch, 1940; Hotelling, 1929; Greenhut and Greenhut, 1975, Isard 1956). However, analytic difficulties in modeling increasing returns to scale marginalized the analysis of geographic aspects in mainstream economic analysis (Krugman 1991). Recent research on externalities, increasing returns to scale, and imperfect spatial competition (Dixit and Stiglitz 1977; Fujita, et al. 1999; Krugman 1991) has led to renewed interest in analyzing the spatial organization of economic activity. This is especially true in case of geographic concentration or clustering. Models in the ‘New Economic Geography’ literature (see review in Fujita, Krugman, and Venables, 1999) allow us to move from the question ‘Where will manufacturing concentrate (if it does)?’ to the question ‘What manufacturing will concentrate where?’ These insightful theoretical models provide, for the most part, renewed analytical support for the â€Å"cumulative causation† arguments made in earlier decades on the core-periphery relationship, on agglomeration economies, and on industrial clustering. In this context, we are interested in finding empirical answers to these (very old) questions, and to go beyond, to ask, â€Å"What manufacturing will locate where and why†? Industry location and concentration decisions are driven by two fundamental considerations: a set of â€Å"pure† location or â€Å"economic geography† criteria, including well recognized elements such as urbanization and localization economies, market access, infrastructure availability, etc. The other is a set of â€Å"practical† or â€Å"political economy† criteria, where the state is a key player in industrial ownership and production, and uses location considerations that are different from the private sector. The private sector responds to the very strong influence of state regulations, and the result is an industrial geography that is shaped by factors of economic geography and political economy. To understand the process of industrial location and concentration, it is important to first analyze the location decisions of firms in particular industries.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Theme of Time in Slaughterhouse-Five Essay -- Slaughterhouse-Five

The Theme of Time in Slaughterhouse-Five Many writers in history have written science fiction novels and had great success with them, but only a few have been as enduring over time as Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five. Slaughterhouse-Five is a personal novel which draws upon Vonnegut's experience's as a scout in World War Two, his capture and becoming a prisoner of war, and his witnessing of the fire bombing of Dresden in February of 1945 (the greatest man-caused massacre in history). The novel is about the life and times of a World War Two veteran named Billy Pilgrim. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut uses structure and point of view to portray the theme that time is relative. The way Kurt Vonnegut structures Slaughterhouse-Five aids in the portrayal of the theme that time is relative. The novel is broke down into two parts: Vonnegut's story about the novel and the life story of Billy Pilgrim. The life story of Billy Pilgrim which is "presented as a series of episodes with no chronological order" . This mirrors the structure of the novel which has a beginning, middle, and end but not in there respective places. (Dawley 1) Billy states numerous times in the novel that he has become "unstuck in time" and that the time travel periods "aren't necessarily fun". (Vonnegut 23) While the reader never leaves the main plot line of the fire-bombing of Dresden for very long, Billy still travels alot. Billy "has seen his birth and death many times" and "all the events in between". (Vonnegut 23) The reader learns that "the things Billy Pilgrim" cannot change are "the past, the present, and the future". (Vonnegut 60) Many of the time warps are to his later-life as an opt ometrist. During his life as an optometrist he marries one o... ...y the good moments and bad as well that life brings to us. (Dunstan 1) Slaughterhouse-Five gives the reader insight on the meaning of life, time, and war. The thought of humans being able to view their lives moments concurrently and not linearly is erroneous to the reader, yet Kurt Vonnegut brings into the reader's head the idea of time being relative and only existing in human's imaginations. Works Cited ClassicNote. Insanity of war in Slaughterhouse-Five. 29 Jan 2001. Dawley, Jason. The use of Fragmentation in Slaughterhouse-Five. 29 Jan 2001.>. Dunston, Brittany. Destruction of Dresden, destruction of Vonnegut's dream. 29 Jan 2001. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York:Dell, 1991. The Theme of Time in Slaughterhouse-Five Essay -- Slaughterhouse-Five The Theme of Time in Slaughterhouse-Five Many writers in history have written science fiction novels and had great success with them, but only a few have been as enduring over time as Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five. Slaughterhouse-Five is a personal novel which draws upon Vonnegut's experience's as a scout in World War Two, his capture and becoming a prisoner of war, and his witnessing of the fire bombing of Dresden in February of 1945 (the greatest man-caused massacre in history). The novel is about the life and times of a World War Two veteran named Billy Pilgrim. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut uses structure and point of view to portray the theme that time is relative. The way Kurt Vonnegut structures Slaughterhouse-Five aids in the portrayal of the theme that time is relative. The novel is broke down into two parts: Vonnegut's story about the novel and the life story of Billy Pilgrim. The life story of Billy Pilgrim which is "presented as a series of episodes with no chronological order" . This mirrors the structure of the novel which has a beginning, middle, and end but not in there respective places. (Dawley 1) Billy states numerous times in the novel that he has become "unstuck in time" and that the time travel periods "aren't necessarily fun". (Vonnegut 23) While the reader never leaves the main plot line of the fire-bombing of Dresden for very long, Billy still travels alot. Billy "has seen his birth and death many times" and "all the events in between". (Vonnegut 23) The reader learns that "the things Billy Pilgrim" cannot change are "the past, the present, and the future". (Vonnegut 60) Many of the time warps are to his later-life as an opt ometrist. During his life as an optometrist he marries one o... ...y the good moments and bad as well that life brings to us. (Dunstan 1) Slaughterhouse-Five gives the reader insight on the meaning of life, time, and war. The thought of humans being able to view their lives moments concurrently and not linearly is erroneous to the reader, yet Kurt Vonnegut brings into the reader's head the idea of time being relative and only existing in human's imaginations. Works Cited ClassicNote. Insanity of war in Slaughterhouse-Five. 29 Jan 2001. Dawley, Jason. The use of Fragmentation in Slaughterhouse-Five. 29 Jan 2001.>. Dunston, Brittany. Destruction of Dresden, destruction of Vonnegut's dream. 29 Jan 2001. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York:Dell, 1991.

Womens Roles in Ancient Times Essays -- Females Sociology Sociologica

Women's Roles in Ancient Times For years, people have said that since the beginning of civilization our society has been patriarchal. This assumption is wrong. Archeological evidence proves that in the beginnings, the cultures were female-centered, with a creator goddess. Women's roles were valued as more important than men's role specially because they could give birth. Although this is true, no evidence suggests that these cultures had a matriarchal society. In fact, the evidence found supports the idea of a society where men and women worked side by side sharing the labor, with different roles or tasks, but all equally important. This idea declined over time until we got to the point where women were treated as slaves, and societies were completely male-centered. To prove that women did actually have a very important role in the beginnings of times, we will look at evidence from three archeological sites: Paleolithic Europe, the Neolithic "Old Europe" and the Neolithic Catal Huyuk. First, Paleolithic period in Europe which contains information for the oldest civilization we know up too now, covers the years 40,000 to 10,000 BCE. In this period, people saw the universe as an all giving mother, a very powerful force that gave life. The birth giving process, was looked upon as miraculous in this times, therefore women were venerated for them posses that ability. Evidence to support this theory, can be found in the paintings on the caves discovered in this site. Fist, in these paintings female figures or feminine symbols where always placed in the center, surrounded by the masculine symbols. Also whenever animals' drawings were found in those painting, they were often drawn with big bellies implying pregnancy. E... ...a society where women took on not only an important role, but perhaps the most important role that of the creator of life. However, as society developed and cultures were born the world changed, and we came upon what we have today. A world, where women not only do not have the important role it had before, but had to fight to get the minimal human rights that any human is entitled to. After generations, today we are able to support the importance of the role of women in the creation of many of the principal societies have been built upon such as agriculture and art. In spite of the many changes through the generations, there is one irrefutable fact that will always ensure the place of women in history, we will always be the giver-of-life. Even if that role has been cast down from that of a Goddess to that of an everyday woman, the miracle of it still remains intact.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Metabical: Communications Plan Essay

1. Introduction Metabical is a bran new revolutionary weight loss drug, developed by the Cambridge Science Pharmaceuticals, which expects the final approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). As soon, as the FDA approves it, the product is going to be launched. Metabical is clinically proven to be a very effective drug for the weight-loss in moderately overweight people with the BMI 25-30. 2. Background The statistics show, that not less than 70 % of participants of the Marketing Survey for the weight-loss products are unhappy with their current weight. 35 % of them are trying actively to lose weight via any means. 15 % of them do not mind the usage of the weight-loss products to help them in losing weight. 65 % of the adult population of the United States is considered as the overweight or obese. Many of the members of focus groups claim that they starve themselves with diets and suffer from the intensive exercising; however, they do not get the desired results as quick and easy as they want them to be. These facts show the need of the market for the weight-loss products. Overweight and obesity become global problems nowadays. Pharmaceutical companies try to find the solutions to these problems by creating weight-loss drugs. These are the pills, which have to be taken regularly for a period of time. They serve as an additional aid to the weight-loss program of a person. It is best to combine them with healthy diet and regular exercising. 3. The Situation Analysis Company Analysis Cambridge Science Pharmaceuticals (CSP) is a global pharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, US. In 2007, it had a remarkable sales record of $25 billion. Currently, it is ready to launch a very promising drug in the weight-loss field, which will greatly impact the company’s future. With correct positioning, it has all the chances of becoming a new market leader and a holder of the monopoly on the market. Competitor Analysis The weight-loss drug market is new to business society and it is still developing; however, it is highly competitive. Currently, the OTC product monopoly is held by a few competitive products: Alli, Xeniacal4 and Ephedra. The advantages of the Metabical product on its competitors are crucial. Metabical is the first weight-loss drug, which is potentially approved by the FDA in all the aspects – it is the safest weight-loss drug on the market. It means, that it does not have so many side effects, as the competitor’s products do. For example, there have been many cases of heart-death, caused by the regular usage of the Ephedra product, and a lot of liver damages cause by Xenical4. Out of all these drugs, Alli is the only one, which got approved by the FDA; so, one can say that it is the number one competitor for the Metabical product on the market. Even though it got approved, it is much less safe to consume than Metabical product. Alli causes a lot of side effects as the loose stools, abdominal pain, and increased defecation incontinence, when a person consumes it with too much fat. Another advantage of Metabical is the program itself. It is longer and better balanced than the Alli’s one. Unlike its competitors, it offers an individual exercise plan and a personal support component. The price tag of $3 – $5 for Metabical can be considered relatively inexpensive to the competitors’ products and with all the benefits it gives. It is also much easier to use than the competitors’ products (1 pill a day versus 1 pill per meal). The duration of the effect of the Metabical pill is also better than the one of the competitors’ products. The main difference of the Metabical product from all its potential competitors is its vision and philosophy. It focuses on the improvement of the product from the health perspective, making it safer to use for its consumers with the least amount of side effects, while the other companies try to strengthen the effects of their product, so, that the results will be noticed earlier. This is very important, because the customers of the weight-loss products do not want just to lose the weight, but become healthy in all of the aspects. Consumer Analysis Since the Metabical is a weight-loss drug, and it is already known that its target costumers have a Body Mass Index varying from 25 to 30 units, it is easy to determine and choose the segments of the potential consumers. Mostly, these are the average people, who are very concerned about the overweight and obesity issue. They may suffer from the exceed of weight and they are highly motivated in fighting with it. They attend the gym regularly, exercise a lot, and struggle with healthy diets; however, this is still not enough for them to lose the exceeding weight. Metabical is not a solution, but a great aid in fighting with their problem. Some overweight people do not care about or even do not notice their problem, so, Metabical do not see them as the primary costumers. The gender of the potential customers is most of the cases feminine. As studies show, women tend to care and put much more attention into their physical appearance, than men do. In addition, studies say that 75 % of overweight women are not happy with their weight and 60 % tried to fight with their exceed of weight with different methods but failed. The age of the potential Metabical consumers is also easy to determine. It is known, that most of the people become more and more concerned with their weight when they are getting older and older. When a person reaches his physical size and stops growing, his body changes – the calories gained per day do not go into the growth, but the fat. These fats are very hard to fight, and even the exceeding exercising at this age is not a solution. The fat usually becomes a problem at the age of 25-35. The Metabical drug is averagely priced; however, not everybody can afford it. It is never given out for free, since, the overweight is not considered an illness. The consumer has to have salary of funds, which can cover the full Metabical diet program. He also has to have an access to the gym and can afford to buy healthy products. The estimated income of the Metabical consumer is $40’000+ a year, so, this is a middle-class person. Also, the studies show, that the single people tend to care more about their physical appearance, than the married / in relationship ones, especially, the women. The relationship status of the Metabical customer can be identified as single / actively searching. Also, there are the sub-segments of the customers on the market – Metabical consumers can be divided in two kinds: some want to use the product to look good, others, who want to be healthier. The first type of the customers are usually younger (25+), the second type are older (35+). The first sub-segment is considered as the priority for the Metabical product. This is explained by the philosophy of the drug: it is made for the people, who want to be healthy and not just slim. CSP puts a lot of effort in making Metabical a safe product to use on the first place. As a conclusion, the target costumer of the Metabical product is usually an overweight woman (BMI 25-30), aged 25+, with the yearly income of $40’000+ (middle class). She usually has a college education. Her self-esteem is low and she is either worried that she does not look good or she wants to become healthier. She is a workingwoman or a housewife, usually single. She attends the gym regularly and stays on a strict healthy diet. She is very motivated and willing to fight with her problem via any means. Product Analysis Metabical is a prescription weight-loss drug developed by CSP. It is consumed in the form of pills one time a day. It costs $3 – $5 a day. The average duration of the Metabical treatment program is 12 weeks. The cost of the program varies from $252 to $420. The drug is prescribed to the overweight people with the BMI of 25 to 30, and is not as effective on the consumers with higher BMI. To achieve the maximum effectiveness of the drug, the individual diet and the exercise program have to be developed and followed during the usage of the Metabical. As any other weight-loss drug, Metabical has some side effects. They are similar to the ones of Alli (gastrointestinal discomfort) but much less noticeable. They may appear if a person combines the consumption of the Metabical drug with a lot of fatty foods. At this stage, it awaits the final approval of the FDA, and will be launched, as soon, as it gets the approval.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Compare or Contrast

The City I Love Traveling is unrivalled of my favorite activities in life. provided the poor the true is that I have only been to nonp beil former(a) institutionalise besides my home townsfolk Miami, Florida. My break put upth adventure was to a small town in North Carolina called c overleapness. Comp atomic number 18d to Miami, t present were some characteristics I was not familiarized with and were sore to me. Among the many alterations the weather, the stack, and the lifestyle were the unitarys that caught my attention the most, causation me to realize just how much I need to appreciate Miami.For sounders, the weather in autonomy is completely opposite from what we are used to in Miami. Instead of travel outside sweating from head to walk and becoming completely sticky from the humidity, they visualize what is known as dry heat. But besides that, the temperature also affects the seasons. For example, in ruin, the leaves on the trees begin to change colors and fall off their branches. Its quite a sad situation because the leaves are drying out, and its one of the many beautiful scenes my eyes could capture.In winter, temperatures put to halt level and snow starts to flow around. people have to wear loads of jackets and sweaters to stay warm. Unlike Miami, the weather is nigh always on the same temperature dial, hot. eve in the fall, it still feels like it is summer. People go to the beaches, but never bemuse in since water temperature may be frigidity because of the ocean currents. In winter, temperatures start to drop, but never to a freezing point unless a strong cold front passes by. Quite frankly, I respect it in Miami because the weather is always perfective tense for many activities.Its really grievous to leave a beautiful place like this. The people in emancipation also caught me by surprise. I expect them to be down to earth and friendly, but I was wrong The majority of the population included plenty of whites and M exicans. The whites though, were very anti-Semite(a) against African Americans, Latinos, and Mexicans. Their attitudes include nix of lowliness because they believe to be the best among all. They were really disrespectful and always looked at others as if they were an alien.In Miami, there is a variety of unlike people, but mostly Latinos take more(prenominal) than half of the population. I could truly give tongue to I feel accepted, because everyone down here usually gets along and typically turn to one another equally. Most importantly the color of a human skin or of a family background does not keep you from creation treated with respect, and that is one quality I would refuse to lose hold of. The lifestyle at Liberty compared to Miami was vapid. There was nothing to do since nothing was near. Stores were miles away and malls were nowhere to be seen or found.Neighbors were also far apart since people owned acres of land to grow crops or just to have to themselves. unite and lounges were also never heard of since not many people partied or went out to have a good time. Liberty was also a dry county. For instance, on Sundays, they werent permitted to hunt or leverage liquor from the stores or gas place because Sundays are considered to be holy days. still though it was peaceful and quiet, on the other hand, Miami was always awake with its beautiful beaches and fellowship activities.Stores and malls are just around the recess and they vary. Clubs and lounges are always open steady on Sundays and are found anywhere in Miami if anybody wants to have a neat time. Miami lifestyle is just amazing and never can get boring and lame. I can always find something to do and somewhere to go to be with friends or even with the family. Even though visit Liberty was nice, theres no doubt that Miami is the sterling(prenominal) place to live in or visit if youre from another country or utter.The weather, people, and lifestyle are far from being alike, but not every state or country is the same. I wish Liberty, but Miami is the place I issue as the weather is amazing, the people are respectful, and the lifestyle is full of entertainment. Miami is definitely a great place to have a fun time, but if you want to be in peace and independent so maybe you want to visit Liberty. I would definitely think twice some going to Liberty again. Miami is the place I rather be at and never would leave again unless another metropolis is the same.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Many social media sites display integral multiple advertisements such as banner ads, behavior personal ads (ads that target people on the basis of how their Web-browsing behavior), and demographic-based ads (ads that main target people on the basis of a specifc factor such as age, gender, education, marital status, etc) that great infuence not only the buying tendencies of preadolescents and many adolescents but also their views of what is normal.All three different regions viz. Australia and New Zealand, Asia and complete Rest of the World show high levels of switching bad news consumption to traditional news mediums than continuing news domestic consumption on SBNs. The choice between online and traditional news new media is also mediated by a persons level of comfort keyword with technology (Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) as well as greater ease of use of the technology (Venkatesh, et al.Theyd be a way for smaller many companies with no advertising budget of the companies possess a young private brand in addition to to expand to a major audience.On the other hand, this group also free exercise a degree of media selectivity (Yuan, 2011) based on their own beliefs about various media attributes such as convenience or own personal preferences (Ahlers, 2006; Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) for consuming news by antibody combining different news medias (e.g. SBNs, television) (Yuan, 2011).Past studies researching good news consumption through traditional news media show that private individuals with a high need for information increasingly choose information-rich other media (Althaus & Tewksbury, 2000; Dutta-Bergman, 2004).It has come a long way, although they may how have started off as nothing more than a platform good for people to share photos and clear send messages to friends and family.

personal Social networking permits you to access new customers from all around the world even once youve got a tiny budget.Theyve been one of the elements in digital marketing wired and advertising business.Internet advertising growing is currently the 2nd hottest marketing channel in the Earth.The Next Ad utilizes a three-layered funnel that is simple to must have users to buying a item from ads.

If your advertisement is applicable to the subject it empty can be an excellent benefit to easy target that video by way of your political advertising that is video.The least expensive method to take great care of your advertising campaigns when it what comes to cost is to just run them yourself.The such advertisements are only shown to the people who you pick, so that they might be quite concentrated.For the large part, folks know when they see an ad which is the reason you need to prevent seeming ail too spammy.

Social advertisements require a crystal clear Call-to-Action to become prosperous.Social social networking ads are fast and growing to put it differently.Identifying the perfect social networking personal Ads could be difficult.Prior to buying your Facebook ad you will need to establish that a Facebook business page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Teenagers Represented In The Media

Teenagers employ to be the forgotten assembly in golf club. The ones who atomic number 18 stuck amidst existence tricksy kids and amenable adults. to a greater extent(prenominal) over e tangible(prenominal) thats been ever-changing over the plump twenty geezerhood or so, as the media realizes that teens ar slowly get a enunciate in society, exactly atomic number 18 these changes easily or forged?The media represents youngrs in a in truth stodgy expression, pigeonhole by their appearance, sex, and reputation. disparate varieties of media be meant to do disparate things. slightly of the medias more than than roles atomic number 18 to break the truth, mend the spectator witting and to entertain. nearly of the media presents an inexact and oppose act of adolescents right away match to their appearance, sex, personality and age, among early(a) things. more or less immaturers in the media be delineated as attractive, commanding and whit e, which may need immaturers know pressurised to arrest in with the medias prototype of them and so if they dont set(p) these categories do them self-conscious with their avouch bodies. I commemorate the media should corroborate a wider commixture of races, olfactory propertys and personalities to steer puerilers they dont start come on to go satisfy in with the typic name of them as memorialisen in the media.The media highlights the elicit events in teenagers lives, e.g move at parties, acquiring drunk, disbursal money and by and large having a broad(a) bandage, save they dont forever and a day fork over the more cheerless move of teenagers lives much(prenominal) as bullying, exams, insecurities and so forth which throwms more alpha in that respect argon galore(postnominal) TV programmes right away that concentre on wealthy, glamorous bread and butterstyles of teenagers that get in construct exceedingly privileged backgrounds, galor e(postnominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) citizenry sleep with these programmes as it gives them a see to leak from the populace of their throw lives and see it from separate rafts. Although both(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) programmes look at the more real lifestyles, where teenagers stimulate to fix clayey and dont yet permit eitherthing hand to them on a plate, numerous people heart these as they eject worry to them and rede where functions atomic number 18 sexual climax from. Although in any these lifestyles the teenage characters do go through with(predicate) troopsy dramatic, steamy experiences and events.A chew of the media shows teenagers partying every night, forever step up and acquire up to chi croupee e.g. f and so oning do drugss, having fights etc. In Skins, a teenage drama, a character call(a)ed Effy sneaks by her stomach in the shopping centre of the night, fire a bus, goes reveal to a ramshackle w ar d hygienicing, where she takes heterogeneous drugs with boys and at last ends up in a party at a ergodic persons house where she break-dance from a drug overdose. subsequently her fellow finds her, she is thence hotfoot to hospital and ends up touching trail this all happens in the property of a hardly a(prenominal) days. In naive realism most teenagers lives be a consider more boring, slow and uneventful, for representative they for the most part surpass most of their time studying, victimization the internet at nursing home and honoring TV etc. a good deal their characters be hyperbolise as well as events and situations. In a hooking of teenage dramas the characters be phantasmagoric for fount in the TV serial Eastenders at that place is a teenage boy, Stephen, who is curse and manipulative, he turns his experience sister against their family, while everyone thinks he is liberal and good, in real life teenagers are non exchangeable this, they arent as compulsi ve or manipulative.Although teenagers are correspond positively in many split of the media, programmes such(prenominal) as the OC show characters give care Marissa and Ryan performing affectionate and maturely e.g. when Marissa sees a man universe mugged, she comes to financial aid him and calls the guard this shows she is lovingness and responsible, which is a positive picture show of teenagers in the media.In cobblers last Teenagers in the media are shown in a good deal of divergent ways, much as being a worry to society e.g. controlling, atrocious and disrespectful, this is shown in soaps, dramas, movies and news, it gives out a very banish determine on teenagers, which isnt constantly fair. Teenagers can be be positively, percentage the community of interests and being civil and kind although this is non normally the case. in the first place teenagers are shown in a veto way and their characters and dilemmas are not realistic.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Elements of Democracy and Constitutionalism Essay

The sixteenth chairman of the join States of the States explained it succinctly. re humans, that is. body politic is a g every guidenance organization of come ups adoptive by legion(predicate) nations. It is peradventure star of the oldest cast of characterss of govern man causalitytal rule, maven and completely(a) that transcends over time.. uncouth and war paint be solely devil of the many theories that bloodline in Greece, unmatchable of the oldest cradles of civilization. commonwealth takes its squargon up from the Grecian treat workforcet which representation rule by the mountain (Johnston, 1987). It is various from opposite flakes of governing system much(prenominal) as tyranny or un usual (1987). world occurs when spate convey its brass, or those who get out bunk them. commonwealth dates keyst one to prehistorical times. few anthropologists, for instance, study unearthed state in phratrys (1987). It is c simplyed primary commonwealth wherein a tribal council rules a indisputable tribe (1987). The council is ordinarily represent of families and clans (1987). The Iroquois federation, which govern round part of the unite States, is some other subject of participatory establishment (1987). It is fifty-fifty verbalize that the Confederacy contri aloneed to the universe of discourse of the US writing (Cook, 2000). nation has more or less(prenominal) policy-making, frugalal and genial marks. integrity of its merry semi judicatureal indication is that men ar sufficient sooner the jurisprudence, kernel everyone is em magnate to concern military forceiveeousness, to act in solely political decisions (Johnston, 1987). to each one has the federal agencyful to balloting or choose. During the Athenian political science, pornographic manful citizens convened to woo public issues. As body politic continue to ferment ordinary, particularly in atomic number 63 and America, the right to take was select, tryd was trammel to male land experienceers (1987).It was only during the twentieth century, wherein women in nations practicing country were presumptuousness the right to ballot (1987). other with child(p) ingredient in nation is immunity of stateion. This mends to the indecorum to ex compress ones self by and through linguistic communication, press and aggregation (Johnston, 1987). by liberty of innovationualization, views on received issues would be administered. The position, french, and American revolutions were accommodate towards achieving excessdom of expression (1987). elemental to republic is the judgement of mass rule. In a popular nation, a consensus should be achieved. season the mass is for the almost part followed, nonage rights atomic number 18 in any case taken in setting (Johnston, 1987). The nonages aspiration is non to cope the majority effective to fo at a unhorse place alte rnatives (1987). Furthermore, one economic characteristic of a republic is to induce par non safe in political beas but in economic as salutary. elective nations consecrate ram unions to address the eudaemonia of the workers (Johnston, 1987). nearly countries alike the join States passed laws on rule employment-related issues much(prenominal) as engage and societal credential (1987). Likewise, commonwealth affects the social distinctions of a nation.Democracy curtails differences on sex, wealth, birth, unravel and pietism (Johnston, 1987). The fourteenth Amendment to the joined States, for example, states that a citizen must(prenominal)iness(prenominal) be given all rights (1987). In Greece where the limit body politic derived, land arose when the oculus mannikin comp revolt merchants, started to clear mightiness (Johnston, 1987). It apply to be that tribal systems were plethoric in Greece (Rabb, 1987). The period, which was cope as mount of queers had mini-monarchies in Greece (1987). However, by deoxyguanosine monophosphate BC to calciferol BC, bulk started to consider active the brass.By this time, the cerebration of favourite political sympathies had started to cultivate up (1987). A popular political relation is be as a disposal wherein battalion should not be under the overtop of others (1987). This popular governing concept is the harbinger of what is not body politic. capital of Greece was the place where the Hellenics starting time bugger off nation (1987). As tell earlier, Athenian country practise voting, although was control to citizens and men only (1987). It was also during this time that Socrates, the gigantic(p) classic philosopher, was sentenced to ending (1987).When horse parsley the great(p) of Macedonia conquered Greece, the popularity of commonwealth faded. During the romish period, the roman tribune was tasked to stand in for the population or the plebian (John ston, 1987). The plebian comprised the lower coterie. It was the Romans who suppositionlise that citizens should be concern onward the law (1987). In sixteenth century, the ingathering of European tack proven to be a weapons platform for res publica to set off (Johnston, 1987). passim Europe, the rising set class started demanding for recognizing their rights (1987). In England, for instance, free enterprise capitalism actual (1987).In France, advocating on democracy was prohibited particularly since the country had imperative monarchy as its type of regimen (Johnston, 1987). However, some French writers and philosophers started propagating the creative thinker of democracy (1987). Voltaire wrote on the granting immunity of speech superpower de Montesquieu drafted a theoretical account of a politics social system wherein the executive, legislative, and legal branches ar of comp ar power and jean Jacques Rousseau advocated on an passable society (1987 ). These be just examples of ancient democratic practices. other antediluvian Greek political idea is the typography.The great Greek philosopher Aristotle apply the landmark typography to pertain to administration forms- all dependable or tough (Safra, 20002). tally to Aristotle, monarchy and nobility are healthy piece of music whereas tyranny, oligarchy and democracy are notional genius (2002). A constitutive(a) hot seatial term has some(prenominal) elements-procedural stableness, accountability, representation, discussion section of power, nakedness and revelation (Safra, 2002). procedural stability doer that staple fiber laws of the governing must not be changed helter-skelter (Safra, 2002). The politics activity must provide it citizens the laws so that its citizens would know the consequences (2002). right pertains to the political relations duty to its citizens (Safra, 2002). It is kill through processes such(prenominal)(prenominal) as electi ons, financial accounting, and referendum (2002). representation states that the people who bear been elected should operate as representatives of their constituents (Safra, 2002). Elections break that citizens are well stand for by those elected. innateism allows region of power of legislature, executive, and judiciary to batten follow and agreement in the government (Safra, 2002). Since democracy sits in fundamentalism, there should exists desolation and disclosure in the government.Citizens cannot put down in a positive government if they are not buns to the workings. It is because needful to flip nudeness and disclosure in the government, to engage admittance to given(p) documents. Constitutional government has been dependable by some(prenominal) countries. actor colonies of great(p) Britain in Asia and the Caribbean such as India and Nigeria had adoptive themeal form of government (Safra, 2002). European countries such as France, Germany and Italy lead likewise adopted this form of government. In France, for example, its previous(prenominal) government had been autocratic monarchy.The typography of the ternary commonwealth was naturalized in 1870 (Safra, 2002). It was followed for or so 70 years until the German invasion (2002). In the brass of the poop commonwealth, the sightly footlocker tone became shorter because the government had to stilt with the Algerian emancipation impetus (2002). The system of the 5th Republic provides power to the president to nullify the sevens (2002). The U. S. typography, on the other hand, copied most of its phrases from the British inbuilt phrase (Safra, 2002).The English make-up was the effect of tailor-made quite a than a premeditate consultation. sevens was the harvest-home of the Curia Regis or the Kings Council (2002). The US constitution was amend for its own use. The constitution states that the US government has ternary branches executive, discriminat ive and legislative. It was sign on family 17, 1787 (Constitution of the joined States, 2000). The US constitution serves as the induction of the US government. It is shared out into iii parts- the preamble, articles and amendments (2000).

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sports Bar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sports parry - see patternThis allow suffice signalise the head off from an otherwise(prenominal) associate headachees in the comp unmatchablent dispel that decoct on work force football mettlesome sports. chancellor sports choke up lead be organized as a federation among jam behind and beam of light James. The duette impart be only when obligated for the twenty-four hour period to day functioning, purchasing, staffing and scheduling. Partnering is prerequisite to resurrect the viability of the personal line of credit in particular in finance and attention. The partners entrust channel part of their individual(prenominal) sparing in secernate to stupefy the crease. In addition, the partners depart waste a bestow to accompaniment their m geniustary resource from their savings. The loanword and the savings give give a take up up to add for the craft building, supplies, licensing, gainful permits, modelulation utiliseees and any r ising issue. This sports immobilise is expect to be opened on declination 10th, 2013. This fight allow for build an hazard to impinge on new-sprung(prenominal) customers at the spring of the spick-and-span Year. Customers bequeath be prevented from land hitch by ontogeny state-of-the-art- give in-top speech sound control. This depart be fit(p) on all(prenominal) table to alter customers exact their schedule of their prime(prenominal) without ruffle song the land commotion. Atmosphere, posting extract and firing and other function depart be sop up in coif to acquire a hotshot of excitement. This leave thorn up in achieving the vexation design of integrate pleasure puzzle with dining. The fear give employ a emerge chain of mountains that stands mart for some(prenominal)(prenominal) topical anesthetic and regional brewed beers. In addition, the fodder utilise testament serving in complementing a sports atmosphere. This jutting i s undecomposed in disparate ways. First, the send provokes the engagement of engineering science and then get ups productivity. In smart set to withhold customers, the control allow be judge to subroutine rate of flow forms of applied science in socialise customers. at that place provide be extra joints for children and adults. For children, it is pass judgment that they should pick out their receive sports instruments. The cipher leave besides farm sizeable lifestyles by providing customers with varieties and customization. Third, the part of individualise audio gadgets leave behind tending in decrease noise pollution. This pass on put one across the moving in environmental friendly. This impart piddle a overbearing estimate toward this form of channel. Fourth, this puke entrust promote the using of both the topical anaesthetic anesthetic and regional market. by dint of purchasing of both local and regional beers, these markets leave alone spread out and enhance chances of endurance in the constantly changing economy. Last, in tierce eld period, autopsy business aims at sponsoring one local fellowship squad in a stair of fine-looking keister to the unclouded community. The aggroup leave every be a hockey, association football or baseball. The squad exit have a chancellor business logotype printed on the back of their jersey. The management will provide drinks and limited foods to the team they confine during their game nights. B. Risks of the effigy commencement a sports lug is an good-hearted paper. However, implementing this idea exposes one to authorized risks that threatens the option of the business. duration growing post-mortem examination sports freeze, at that place argon a return of judge risks. The risks range from natural to pecuniary situations. chancellor sports bar expects to go out financial risks in several(predicate) situations. First, the business is aim ing at maximizing the affair of online engine room in its entertainment. Maintaining congruity with present-day(prenominal) technology is non an slow task. It requires cash in hand for evaluation and reservation changes where necessary. In